محتوى الـكورس : Retouching video with the Healing Brush Color correcting video Saving time with preset lookup tab...
Retouching video with the Healing Brush
Color correcting video
Saving time with preset lookup tables (LUTs)
Creating custom LUTs
Preparing still images for 3D camera moves
Creating 3D animation
Building environment maps to match graphics in footage
Creating custom bump maps and textures for 3D models
Color correcting video
Saving time with preset lookup tables (LUTs)
Creating custom LUTs
Preparing still images for 3D camera moves
Creating 3D animation
Building environment maps to match graphics in footage
Creating custom bump maps and textures for 3D models
مدة الـكورس : 2.3 ساعة
حجم الـكورس : 820 MB
صاحب الـكورس : Lynda
لغة الـكورس : English
نوع الـكورس : مدفوع (مجاني عندنا)
جودة الـكورس : 720P
باسورد فك الضغط: course-web.com
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